A. A. Active Ā. Ā. Ātmane-pada used in VLEX A1. A1. Atmane-pada A1di-p. A1di-p. Adi-parvan of the mahA-BArata abl. abl. ablative case Abl. Abl. ablative case above above a reference to some preceeding word (not necessarily in the same page) abstr. abstr. abstract acc. acc. accusative case OR according Acc. Acc. accusative case OR according accord. accord. according to add. add. additions adj. adj. adjective (cf. mfn.) adv. adv. adverb Aeol. Aeol. AEolic alg. alg. algebra anat. anat. anatomy Angl.Sax. Angl.Sax. Anglo-Saxon anom. anom. anomalous Aor. Aor. Aorist aor. aor. Aorist Arab. Arab. Arabic arithm. arithm. arithmetic Arm. Arm. Armorican or the language of Brittany Armen. Armen. Armenian Armor. Armor. Armorican or the language of Brittany astrol. astrol. astrology astron. astron. astronomy B. B. Bombay edition B.C. B.C. Before Christ Boh. Boh. Bohemian Bohem. Bohem. Bohemian Bomb. Bomb. Bombay edition Br. Br. Brāhmaṇa Bret. Bret. Breton C. C. Calcutta edition Buddh. Buddh. Buddhist c. c. case Calc. Calc. Calcutta edition Cambro-Brit. Cambro-Brit. Cambro-Briton, or Welsh Cat. Cat. catalogue or catalogues ? Caus. Caus. Causal cf. cf. confer, compare Cf. Cf. confer, compare ch. ch. chapter cl. cl. class used in , not Class. Class. Classical col. col. column cols. cols. columns Comm. Comm. commentator or commentary Comms. Comms. commentators or commentaries comp. comp. compound compar. compar. Comparative degree Compar. Compar. Comparative degree concl. concl. conclusion Concl. Concl. conclusion concr. concr. concrete Cond. Cond. Conditional cond. cond. Conditional conj. conj. conjectural cons. cons. consonant dat. dat. dative case Dat. Dat. dative case defect. defect. defective Desid. Desid. Desiderative dimin. dimin. diminutive dram. dram. dramatic language du. du. dual number e.g. e.g. exempli gratia, 'for example' ed. ed. edition Eng. Eng. English Engl. Engl. English Ep. Ep. Epic (lower case marked) ep. ep. Epic esp. esp. especially etym. etym. etymology f. f. feminine NOTE: NORMALLY in fem. fem. feminine fig. fig. figuratively fr. fr. from Fut. Fut. future fut. fut. future fut.p.p. fut.p.p. future passive participle fut.Pass.p. fut.Pass.p. future passive participle g. g. gaRa G. G. Gaspard Gorresio's Italian edition Gorr. Gorr. Gaspard Gorresio's Italian edition Gael. Gael. Gaelic gen. gen. genitive case gend. gend. gender geom. geom. geometry Germ. Germ. German Gk. Gk. Greek Got. Got. Gothic Goth. Goth. Gothic Govind. Govind. Govinda def? hw = jawADAriSEvamata, darSanAvaraRIya Gr. Gr. grammar Gram. Gram. grammar Gramm. Gramm. grammar HGerm. HGerm. High German Hib. Hib. Hibernian or Irish Hind. Hind. Hindī i.e. i.e. id est, or 'that is' ib. ib. ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding ibc. ibc. in the beginning of a compound Icel. Icel. Icelandic id. id. idem or 'the same meaning as that of a preceding word' ident. ident. identical ifc. ifc. in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' impers. impers. impersonal or used impersonally impf. impf. imperfect tense Impf. Impf. imperfect tense Impv. Impv. imperative impv. impv. imperative Imp. Imp. imperative Imper. Imper. imperative ind. ind. indeclinable ind.p. ind.p. indeclinable participle Indic. Indic. indicative (= optative) inf. inf. infinitive mood Inf. Inf. infinitive mood Inscr. Inscr. Inscriptions instr. instr. instrumental case inst. inst. instrumental case Inst. Inst. instrumental case Intens. Intens. Intensive intens. intens. Intensive interj. interj. interjection interpol. interpol. interpolation Introd. Introd. Introduction Ion. Ion. Ionic irr. irr. irregular irreg. irreg. irregular L. L. lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text) Lat. Lat. Latin lat. lat. latitude Lett. Lett. Lettish lit. lit. literally Lith. Lith. Lithuanian Lit. Lit. Lithuanian ? hw= Dfz Loc. loc. locative case loc. Loc. locative case log. log. logic long. long. longitude m. m. masculine gender USED IN m.c. m.c. metri causa, or 'for the sake of the meter' in poetry mc. mc. metri causa, or 'for the sake of the meter' in poetry 177 cases. Maybe print is always 'm.c.' ? math. math. mathematics medic. medic. medicine metron. metron. metronymic mfn. mfn. masculine, feminine and neuter; or = adjective mf. mf. masculine, feminine mn. mn. masculine or neuter USED IN Mod. Mod. modern MS. MS. manuscript MSS. MSS. manuscripts myth. myth. mythology N. N. Name (also = title or epithet) n. n. neuter gender USED IN neg. neg. negative Nom. Nom. Nominal verb nom. nom. nominative case O. O. Old O.E. O.E. Old English O.H.G. O.H.G. Old High German O.N. O.N. Old Norse obs. obs. obsolete onomat. onomat. onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) opp. opp. opposed 446 cases. Maybe all 'opp. to' ? opp. to opp. to opposed to opt. opt. optative Opt. Opt. optative orig. orig. originally Osset. Osset. Ossetic others others according to others oxyt. oxyt. oxytone, having an acute accent on last syllable P. P. Parasmai-pada p. p. page or participle (cf. p.p.) p.p. p.p. past participle pp. pp. past participle p.p.p. p.p.p. past participle hw agDA. see gDa Paddh. Paddh. Paddhati, guide book or manual parox. parox. paroxytone, having an acute accent on penultimate syllable part. part. participle partic. partic. particular Pass. Pass. Passive voice pass. pass. Passive voice patr. patr. patronymic periphr. periphr. periphrastic perf. perf. perfect tense perh. perh. perhaps Pers. Pers. Persian pers. pers. person pf. pf. perfect tense phil. phil. philosophy Phil. Phil. philosophy pl. pl. plural number poet. poet. poetry or poetic possess. possess. possessive Pot. Pot. Potential Pr. Pr. proper Prāk. Prāk. Prākṛit Prākr. Prākr. Prākṛit pr. pr. present pr. p. pr. p. present participle 320 pr.p. pr.p. present participle 51 pres.p. pres.p. present participle 3 Prec. Prec. precative prec. prec. preceding prep. prep. preposition prepos. prepos. preposition pres. pres. present tense Pres. Pres. present tense priv. priv. privative prob. prob. probably pron. pron. pronoun pronom. pronom. pronominal propar. propar. proparoxytone proparox. proparox. proparoxytone, or stress on third last syllable Pruss. Pruss. Prussian q.v. q.v. quod vide, which see qq.vv. qq.vv. quod vide, which see redupl. redupl. reduplicated Rec. Rec. ?? Def? hw=aByAkAram Rev. Rev. ?? Def? hw=arjuneSvaratIrTa, etc. Reflex. Reflex. Reflexive or used reflexively reflex. reflex. Reflexive or used reflexively rhet. rhet. rhetoric rt. rt. root rts. rts. roots Russ. Russ. Russian RV. RV. Ṛg-veda Sax. Sax. Saxon sc. sc. scilicet, or 'that is to say', 'namely' Sch. Sch. Scholiast or Commentator Schol. Schol. Scholiast or Commentator scil. scil. scilicet Scot. Scot. Scotch or Highland-Scotch seq. seq. sequens, or 'following, next' sev. sev. several sg. sg. singular number sing. sing. singular number Slav. Slav. Slavonic or Slavonian Subj. Subj. subjunctive subst. subst. substantive suff. suff. suffix superl. superl. superlative degree surg. surg. surgery s.v. s.v. sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order ss.vv. ss.vv. sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order SV. SV. Sāma-Veda (should be ls? hw=traya) Svargakh. Svargakh. Svargakhaṇḍa. 3rd book of Padma-Purāṇa Upan. Upan. Upaniṣad Va1rt. Va1rt. Vārttika Va1rtt. Va1rtt. Vārttika vb. vb. verb Ved. Ved. Vedic or Veda v.l. v.l. varia lectio, or 'variant reading or readings' vv.ll. vv.ll. varia lectio, or 'variant reading or readings' viz. viz. namely, in other words. From Latin videlicet voc. voc. vocative case vow. vow. vowel v.r. v.r. variant reading w.r. w.r. wrong reading wk. wk. work wks. wks. works YV. YV. Yajur-Veda should be ls? Zd. Zd. Zend