
Sabda [Printed book page 0992-a]
Śabda, as, m. (in the Upaniṣads also am, n.;
thought by some to be connected with rt. 3. śap +
2. da), sound, noise; a sound; a word, significant
word; (in gram.) a declinable word (as a noun,
pronoun, &c.); grammar; verbal communication,
oral evidence, verbal authority (as one of the Pra-
māṇas, see pra-māṇa). —Śabda-kāra, as, ī, am,
making noise or sound, sounding, sonorous. —Śabda-
koṣa, as, m. ‘word-repository,’ a dictionary, voca-
bulary. —Śabda-kaustubha, ‘word-jewel,’ N. of
a commentary by Bhaṭṭoji on the Mahā-bhāṣya.
—Śabda-gata, as, ā, am, being or residing in a
word (as a poetical or metaphorical meaning).
—Śabda-guṇa, as, m. the quality of sound; a
particular quality or style of speech. —Śabda-graha,
as, m. perceiving or catching sound; the ear; a
fabulous arrow. —Śabda-grāma, as, m. the compass
or range of sound. —Śabda-candrikā, f. ‘elucidation
of words,’ N. of a lexicon by Cakra-pāṇi-datta.
—Śabda-cāturya, am, n. skill in words, cleverness
of diction, eloquence. —Śabda-citra, as, ā, am,
various or fanciful in sound (as poetry). —Śabda-
cora, as, m. ‘word-thief,’ a plagiarist. —Śabda-ja,
as, ā, am, arising from sound, produced by words,
by verbal communication. —Śabda-tanmātra, am,
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n. the subtile element of sound. —Śabda-nityatva,
am, n. the eternity of sound. —Śabda-nirṇaya,
as, m. ‘word-investigation,’ N. of a work by Vāca-
spati-miśra. —Śabda-pati, is, m. ‘word-lord,’ a
mere nominal sovereign, (according to Malli-nātha
śabdata eva patir na tv arthataḥ, Raghu-v. VIII.
51.) —Śabda-pātin, ī, inī, i, flying with a sound,
making a noise in flight (said of an arrow); falling
with a sound. —Śabda-pramāṇa, am, n. verbal
testimony or proof, oral evidence. —Śabda-prāch,
ṭ, ṭ, ṭ, enquiring after (the meaning of) a word.
—Śabda-bodha, as, m. (in phil.) knowledge (de-
rived) from verbal testimony. —Śabda-brahman, a,
n. ‘word-spirit,’ i. e. the Veda considered as a revealed
word or sound and identified with Brahman, the
Supreme Spirit. —Śabda-bheda, as, m. difference
or distinction of sound. —Śabda-bheda-prakāśa,
as, m., N. of an appendix to the Viśva-prakāśa (con-
taining a list of words similar in sound but different
in meaning). —Śabda-bhedin, ī, m. ‘sound-piercer,’
epithet of Arjuna [cf. śabda-vedhin]; the anus; a
particular fabulous arrow (which pierces an object
the sound of which only is heard). —Śabda-mātra,
am, n. sound only, a mere sound. —Śabda-mālā, f.
‘a collection of words,’ N. of a lexicon by Rāme-
śvara-śarman. —Śabda-yoni, is, f. ‘word-source,’
the source or origin of a word, a radical word, root.
—Śabda-ratna, am, n. ‘word-jewel,’ N. of a
lexicon. —Śabda-ratnākara (°na-āk°), as, m.
‘mine of word-gems,’ N. of a dictionary of syno-
nyms by Mahīpa. —Śabda-ratnāvalī (°na-āv°), f.
‘word-necklace,’ N. of a lexicon of synonyms by
Mathureśa. —Śabda-liṅgārtha-candrikā (°ga-
ar°), f. ‘elucidation of the gender and meaning of
words,’ N. of a lexicon. —Śabda-virodha, as, m.
opposition of words in a sentence. —Śabda-viśeṣa,
as, m. difference or variety of sound; (ās), m. pl.
the varieties of sound, (these the Sāṅkhya arranges
according to the accents udātta, an-udātta, sva-
rita, and the notes of the gamut, as ṣaḍja,
ṛṣabha, gāndhāra, madhyama, pañcama,
dhaivata, niṣāda, &c., q. q. v. v.) —Śabda-viśe-
ṣaṇa, am, n. (in grammar) the attribute of a word,
an adjective. —Śabda-vṛtti, is, f. (in rhetoric) the
function of a word. —Śabdavedhi-tva, am, n. capa-
bility of piercing (an invisible object) the sound (of
which only is heard). —Śabda-vedhin, ī, inī, i,
sound-piercing, piercing or terrifying enemies by
mere shouts; (ī), m. an archer who can pierce an
invisible object the sound of which only is heard; a
warrior who pierces his enemies by mere shouts;
epithet of Arjuna; of king Daśa-ratha. —Śabda-
vailakṣaṇya, am, n. difference in word, verbal
difference (as opposed to artha-vailakṣaṇya or
real difference). —Śabda-śakti, is, f. the force or
signification of a word. —Śabda-śabdārtha-mañ-
jūṣā (°da-ar°), f. ‘a collection of words and their
meanings,’ N. of a lexicon. —Śabda-śāsana, am, n.
a rule or law of grammar. —Śabda-śāstra, am,
n. ‘science of words,’ rules of grammar, any gram-
matical treatise, grammar, philology. —Śabda-śud-
dhi, is, f. purity or accuracy of language, correct use
of words. —Śabda-śleṣa, as, m. play upon words,
verbal equivoque, a rhetorical ornament by which
the same words are used in different senses, punning.
—Śabda-saṅgraha, as, m. a collection of words,
vocabulary, lexicon. —Śabda-siddhi, is, f. ‘the
complete use of words,’ a section of the Kāvya-kalpa-
latā-vṛtti-parimala. —Śabdāḍambara (°da-āḍ°),
as, m. high-sounding words, verbosity, confusion of
words, bombast. —Śabdātīta (°da-at°), as, ā, am,
beyond the reach of sound (used as an epithet of
the deity). —Śabdādi (°da-ādi), is, m., scil. vi-
ṣaya, the objects of sense beginning with sound,
(these are śabda, sound; sparśa, tangibility; rūpa,
form; rasa, savour; gandha, odour; see viṣaya.)
—Śabdādi-dharmin, ī, iṇī, i, having the quality
of sound, &c., (see viṣaya.) —Śabdādhiṣṭhāna
(°da-adh°), am, n. ‘receptacle of sound,’ the ear.
—Śabdādhyāhāra (°da-adh°), as, m. the supply-
ing of a word (to complete an ellipsis). —Śabdānu-
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rūpa (°da-an°), am, n. conformity to sound, imita-
tion of sound. —Śabdānuśāsana (°da-an°), am,
n. ‘word-instruction, word explanation,’ the giving
rules for words (used as a title of Pāṇini's grammar);
N. of a grammatical work by Abhinava-śākaṭāyana;
of a work on grammar by Hema-candra. —Śabdāb-
dhi (°da-ab°), is, m. ‘ocean of words,’ N. of a
lexicon (compiled by order of Prāṇa-kṛṣṇa). —Śab-
dārṇava (°da-ar°), as, m. ‘ocean of words,’ N. of
a lexicon. —Śabdārtha (°da-ar°), as, m. the sense
or meaning of a word; (au), m. du. a word and
its sense. —Śabdārtha-kalpataru, us, m. ‘Kalpa-
tree of the meaning of words,’ N. of a lexicon by
Veṅkaṭa. —Śabdālaṅkāra (°da-al°), as, m. verbal
ornament, rhetorical use of words (as alliteration
&c.). —Śabdāloka-rahasya and śabdāloka-viveka
(°da-āl°), N. of two philosophical commentaries.
—Śabdendu-śekhara (°da-in°), as, m., N. of a
work by Nāgeśa-bhaṭṭa. [ID=46111]