In the preface to the Monier-Williams dictionary there appears a list of abbreviations.
Most of these abbreviations are accessible as 'tool tips' within the Monier display; the availability is indicated by the font color of the abbreviated item.
The following table lists the abbreviations that (generally) are annotated in the display. When Sanskrit is involved in the key (example: A1), this appears below in the Anglicized Sanskrit transliteration. When Sanskrit is involved in the definition (example: Atmane-pada), this appears in the SLP1 transliteration; if you use the Monier display and if you choose one of the transliteration output options (e.g. Harvard-Kyoto or ITRANS), the Sanskrit appears according to the transliteration. Otherwise, it appears in SLP (example: <s>Atmane-pada</s>).
A1. | Atmane-pada |
abl. | ablative |
above | a reference to some preceeding word (not necessarily in the same page) |
acc. | accusative |
accord. | according to |
add. | additions |
A1di-p. | Adi-parvan of the mahA-BArata |
adj. | adjective (cf. mfn.) |
adv. | adverb |
Aeol. | AEolic |
alg. | algebra |
anat. | anatomy |
Angl.Sax. | Anglo-Saxon |
anom. | anomalous |
Aor. | Aorist |
aor. | Aorist |
Arab. | Arabic |
arithm. | arithmetic |
Arm. | Armorican or the language of Brittany |
Armen. | Armenian |
Armor. | Armorican |
astrol. | astrology |
astron. | astronomy |
B. | Bombay edition |
Boh. | Bohemian |
Bohem. | Bohemian |
Bomb. | Bombay edition |
Br. | Breton |
Bret. | Breton |
C. | Calcutta edition |
c. | case |
Cat. | catalogue or catalogues |
Calc. | Calcutta edition |
Caus. | Causal |
cf. | confer, compare |
ch. | chapter |
cl. | class |
Class. | Classical |
col. | column |
cols. | columns |
Comm. | commentator or commentary |
comp. | compound |
compar. | Comparative degree |
concl. | conclusion |
Cond. | Conditional |
conj. | conjectural |
cons. | consonant |
dat. | dative case |
defect. | defective |
Desid. | Desiderative |
dimin. | diminutive |
dram. | dramatic language |
du. | dual number |
ed. | edition |
e.g. | exempli gratia, 'for example' |
Eng. | English |
Ep. | Epic |
ep. | Epic |
esp. | especially |
etym. | etymology |
f. | feminine |
fig. | figuratively |
fr. | from |
Fut. | future |
fut. | future |
fut.p.p. | future passive participle |
g. | gaRa |
Gael. | Gaelic |
gen. | genitive case |
gend. | gender |
geom. | geometry |
Germ. | German |
Gk. | Greek |
Goth. | Gothic |
Gr. | grammar |
Hib. | Hibernian or Irish |
Hind. | Hindi |
ib. | ibidem or 'in the same place or book or text' as the preceding |
ibc. | in the beginning of a compound |
Icel. | Icelandic |
id. | idem or 'the same meaning as that of a preceding word' |
i.e. | id est |
ident. | identical |
ifc. | in fine compositi or 'at the end of a compound' |
impers. | impersonal or used impersonally |
impf. | imperfect tense |
Impv. | imperative |
ind. | indeclinable |
inf. | infinitive mood |
Inscr. | Inscriptions |
instr. | instrumental case |
Intens. | Intensive |
interj. | interjection |
interpol. | interpolation |
Introd. | Introduction |
Ion. | Ionic |
irr. | irregular |
L. | lexicographers (i.e. a word or meaning which although give in native lexicons, has not yet been met with in any published text) |
Lat. | Latin |
lat. | latitude |
Lett. | Lettish |
lit. | literally |
Lith. | Lithuanian |
loc. | locative case |
log. | logic |
long. | longitude |
m. | masculine gender |
math. | mathematics |
m.c. | metri causa |
medic. | medicine |
metron. | metronymic |
mfn. | masculine, feminine and neuter; or adjective |
Mod. | modern |
MS. | manuscript |
MSS. | manuscripts |
myth. | mythology |
N. | Name (also title or epithet) |
n. | neuter gender |
neg. | negative |
Nom. | Nominal verb |
nom. | nominative case |
obs. | obsolete |
onomat. | onomatopoetic (i.e. formed from imitation of sounds) |
opt. | optative |
orig. | originally |
Osset. | Ossetic |
others | according to others |
P. | parasmE-pada |
p. | page and participle (cf. p.p.) |
parox. | paroxytone |
part. | participle |
partic. | particular |
Pass. | Passive voice |
patr. | patronymic |
perh. | perhaps |
Pers. | Persian |
pers. | person |
pf. | perfect tense |
phil. | philosophy |
pl. | plural |
poet. | poetry or poetic |
Pot. | Potential |
p.p. | past participle |
Pr. | proper |
Pra1k. | Prakrit |
Pra1kr. | Prakrit |
prec. | preceding |
prep. | preposition |
prepos. | preposition |
pres. | present tense |
priv. | privative |
prob. | probably |
pron. | pronoun |
pronom. | pronominal |
propar. | proparoxytone |
Pruss. | Prussian |
q.v. | quod vide |
redupl. | reduplicated |
Reflex. | Reflexive or used reflexively |
rhet. | rhetoric |
rt. | root |
rts. | roots |
Russ. | Russian |
RV. | fg-veda |
Sax. | Saxon |
sc. | scilicet |
scil. | scilicet |
Sch. | Scholiast or Commentator |
Schol. | Scholiast or Commentator |
Scot. | Scotch or Highland-Scotch |
seq. | sequens |
sev. | several |
sing. | singular |
Slav. | Slavonic or Slavonian |
Subj. | subjunctive |
subst. | substantive |
suff. | suffix |
superl. | superlative degree |
surg. | surgery |
s.v. | sub voce, i.e. the word in the Sanskrit order |
Va1rt. | vArttika |
Va1rtt. | vArttika |
vb. | verb |
Ved. | Vedic or Veda |
v.l. | varia lectio |
voc. | vocative case |
vow. | vowel |
wk. | work |
w.r. | wrong reading |
Zd. | Zend |