Help for Advanced Search for Sabda-kalpadruma

This program does partial word searches for Sanskrit head words or other text words in the dictionary. For the basic usage, type a word in the text input box next to 'Sanskrit word:' or 'Text word:', set the search paramenters, and the maximum and output parameters, and click the button. A message in the left display pane indicates the program is working. When the request is finished, output appears in the left display pane.

Instead of clicking the button, one can press the key while the cursor is in the text input box.

The data in the left pane presents the underlying Sanskrit words where matches occur; if you are searching for a text word, the matching word appears in parentheses next to the Sanskrit word. The Sanskrit word is clickable. If clicked, the full record for the word appears in the right-hand pane. All Sanskrit words appear according to the setting of the 'output' parameter.

The Text words include words which are not coded as Sanskrit words; generally, the words are coded as Sanskrit if they appear in Devanagari in the printed text. The search is not case-sensitive.

A search for a Sanskrit word includes both the headwords, and the Sanskrit words appearing in Devanagari in the scan edition of the text.

Various controls allow some degree of tuning of the search process and of the output format.

working... workaround
Some users have noticed that after a data request is made, 'working...' appears, and then the usual data display never appears. We are aware of this problem, but unsure of how to prohibit it. It seems to happen more frequently for some users than for others. Experience has shown that one of several similar actions can usually get the user past this problem when it occurs:

Transliteration Help