Sanskrit and Tamil Dictionaries

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The search is not case sensitive. If you type words into both fields or several English words then only entries fulfilling all conditions are shown.

For new and improved version of Monier Williams' Sanskrit-English Dictionary and other digitized editions and scanned images of Sanskrit-English/German dictionaries, please visit the Cologne Sanskrit-Lexicon website.

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Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon (from Monier-Williams' 'Sanskrit-English Dictionary')

The English description contains a translation, grammatical and any other information listed in the MW. You may search for all of it.
The transliteration is based on the Harvard-Kyoto (HK) convention as follows:
   a A i I u U R RR lR lRR e ai o au M H
   k kh g gh G c ch j jh J
   T Th D Dh N t th d dh n
   p ph b bh m y r l v z S s h
For more information see: Report on the Cologne Digital Sanskrit Lexicon Project and image of the Appendix (29 KB), larger (400 KB).

Capeller's 1891 Sanskrit-English Dictionary

The transliteration is the same as above.

Cologne Online Tamil Lexicon

All main entries in the Madras Tamil Lexicon (TL) and Supplement (TLS), and their English meanings.

Alphabetic ordering according to Tamil Lexicon, Madras 1924-39:

   Vowels:     a A i I u U e E ai o O au
   Consonants: H k g c n^/jn T N t n p m y r l v z L R n_/n2
   Grantha:    j [C (SRI)] S s h kS
Palatal n "n^" has been replaced by "jn", alveolar n "n_" by "n2". With these exceptions type Tamil text as though standard diacritical marks had been dropped.
First version of this page: Data by Thomas Malten, 1997.
Kira Stöwe, 11.Feb.2003
Jim Funderburk, 9.Dec.2010, 12.Dec.2022
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